Specials at Cochenille

Current Specials

Webinar Special

Buy one, get one at 15% off. Use the code ExtraWebinar at checkout. If you want to take four webinars, you should be able to use this code.

To see our current month webinars go to:

Measuring Tools

This month, we are featuring most of our Measuring Tools as our special. Some of these are for measuring on the body, and others are used to measure various things while sewing. You can purchase these at 10% off. Please read our blog entry on our Favorite Measuring Tools.

Use the code MeasureTool for 10% off

We are discussing a few here, but other discussions can be found on our blog or by clicking on the link.

Measuring Made Easy Measuring Tape

Hurth Ruler

This is my number one favorite tool. The ruler was invented by Ursula Hurth from Germany. It has three parts to it and can be used in multiple ways. I really like how you can use all three parts to easily measure things like armhole depth and neck width. You can take these by yourself, without having another person to assist. It works for both measuring a body and for measuring garments laid flat.


Hurth Measuring Band System
This is a unique system of adjustable elasticized bands that will help you achieve accurate body measurements.

FACT SHEET: www.cochenille.com/FactSheets/MeasuringStraps.pdf

SHOP: https://shop.cochenille.com/collections/other-design-aids/products/hurth-measuring-band-system

Part 1: Attaching and Removing Bands:

Part 2: Measuring.

 For more info on our other measuring tools, please see our blog.