Around the Block: Creative Hand Pattern Making Techniques

Regular price $ 50.00

Saturday, Sept. 7th, 2024
9 - 11:30 am PT.
2.5 hours

Learn some quick Pattern Making by hand skills.
Exploring your way around a basic bodice, you will learn simple yet creative pattern making skills that will allow you to add interest to a garment.

Students will work with quarter-scale basic patterns and utilize several techniques to enhance that part of a garment. We will begin at the neckline and end with sleeves. Skills include adding flare, changing the shape, working with asymmetry, adding a collar, adjusting a sleeve, etc. You will slash, spread, tape, and create; and realize it doesn’t take much to add your unique touch to a pattern.

In advance of the workshop, students will be emailed several files to print out. This will include 1/4 scale pattern blocks and a handout of designs we will create in class.

Learning Objectives

  • To learn how to perform several basic pattern techniques which can be used to add interest to a garment.
  • To demonstrate how and where each of these techniques are used in fashion clothing.
  • Techniques include adding flare, asymmetrical styles, straight to A-line, adding a collar, and pockets.

Supplies:  printer paper, paper scissors, scotch tape, measuring tape, ruler, pencil, manilla file folder, glue stick