SP Stitchery for Windows is a plug-in module to Cochenille's Stitch Painter software.
This module allows users to shift the grid in order to view diagonal stitches (for needlepoint and plastic canvas) and to access DMC color references. Other features include:
♦ Change the position of your grid so that symbols lie over the intersection of grid lines, which better simulates needlework. The choice of symbol is up to you.
♦ Determine the closest DMC match to the color you used to design with.
♦ Move 250 DMC colors into the Palette panel so that you are designing with the DMC palette.
♦ Count the number of stitches of each color used.
♦ Name or rename colors.
♦ Utilize Custom Color Sets. The colors in the default Color Set are already named. You may retain these names or change them.
♦ Create custom Color Sets.